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Search function not appearing


Level 2

Hi all,

I am delighted to see the new search function - a real game changer for us. Unfortunately though I can't get it to work in our preflight or testing apps..

Here's a screenshot of my set up - but nothing appearing in the top bar or in my hamburger menu... am I doing something mind-numbingly stupid, do we think?


15 Replies



Your project settings are right. Did you rebuild/reinstall the app?

The AEM Preflight app doesn't yet have Search enabled, but it will when Apple approves the new version.



Correction: The DPS AEM Preflight app was approved. When you update it, you'll see a Search option in the app menu.


Level 3

Im having the same issue with the search not showing up. This is after I published and signed the app.



Did you enable search indexing and select the Production and Preflight options in project settings? And did you rebuild the app, download it, sign it, and load that signed app on a device? If you did all that and still don't see a Search option in the App Menu, contact Adobe technical support.


Level 3

Ive petty much have set it like tortoise738 did, but still now showing up. What do you mean by rebuild the app ?

Screen Shot 2016-03-04 at 3.58.42 PM.png



To rebuild the app, select the app in the Apps section, click the pencil icon to edit it, and then click Submit. That rebuilds the app with the newest viewer code, which includes search capabilities. If you don't rebuild the app, you're still using older viewer code.


Level 3

Thanks Bob, that did it. That leads me to a question, what data inputs is the search function pulling its key words from? Ive done a search and only one thing is showing up.

Also Is there also a way to control the look and feel for that? I'm just getting a blue back screen at the moment.



Level 6

Search works on metadata -- so article title, description, author, keywords, etc.

Internal keywords are not part of search though.

And search does not include article content.

Search results use your default layout today, that's why the search result you show above is a 1x1 card on a three column grid.

Search results will switch to a default layout template shortly.



Level 4

Hi there

Is search already available on Android AEM Preflight App?

I activated it in the settings but do not have the search field in the Preflight App.


–Haeme Ulrich


Level 3

I could be wrong, but I don't think the Search will show up until you create the APP and put it on your Tablet/Device. Search would not work for me in the Preflight testing app.


Level 6

I just checked with engineering, Search is not in the Android version of AEM Preflight (2016.3)

It's being worked on.



Level 2

Thanks all. It is now appearing and functioning in preflight app which is great.

I think where I have been going wrong is by simply downloading the app again - but not actually rebuilding/submitting it before I do so. Seems obvious to me now but may be I'm not the only one making the obvious mistake!

Grateful as always for the willing and able assistance.