Hi,I would like to pass variables to a "thank you" page that is shown when my form is submitted.Currently I am able to do this via the redirect params in post.POST.jsp of my custom submit action.However, this means that the values are passed in the URL query string parameters. I have a component on ...
Hi everyoneI'm facing some issues during the installation of AEM 6.4 Forms on JEE JBoss Single Server[Windows installation in Standalone with SQL Server 2016]I followed all the tasks of this contenthttps://helpx.adobe.com/pdf/aem-forms/6-3/prepare-install-single-server.pdfand I started to Install AE...
Hi everyoneToday I found this problem that I've never seen : "Cannot read property 'WCM' of undefined"Inspecting the code I found this error on widget.jsActually, I can't edit at all on my forms...no way!Can someone help me?ThanksFabio
Hi everyoneI'm trying to solve this puzzle, but I can't get it!I created an Adaptive Form from an XSD schema and I render as PDF through an XDPNow, on submit, I want to store the generated pdf and also send it via mail as attachmentI followed the steps in this linkAEM 6.0 Forms Help | Writing custom...
We have a newly installed AEM 6.4 server. Office 2016 and Adobe DC was installed prior to AEM being installed.When I log into the adminui, I go to the PDF Generator and then to Create PDF.I get this error anytime I browse and select an Office document. Example, docx, doc and xlsxI am able to go to c...
Hello,I don't know if I'm asking this in the correct section but here it goes,Cyclically, after a few days the server begins to give cache problems, the AEM Forms stops working, requiring a restart.[6/4/18 12:12:06:456 WEST] 0000120f DSCJobStoreTX W org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport findF...
I have created two sample in case you want to implement Autocomplete in your Adaptive form. The sample uses the jQuery UI Autocomplete. You may refer to the API doc for more details. The below sample assumes that you have a text field with Element Name as texbox1, the script needs to placed on fiel...
I am on AEM 6.1I have a form that has Javascript that runs at the client, at the server, and at Client and server.For the javascript that runs client side, I can use console.log or xfa.host.messageBox to display a message either in the console or browser to aid me along in debugging issues.However, ...
Haven’t you come across a scenario, where the business wants you to emulate the paper based version of the forms as is on web channel ? If so, then I think the hardest part of such requests is to have an Image Field in Adaptive Form. It is like where the person filling up the form should be able to ...
I am trying to prefill an adaptive form with json which is as per the json schema which I used to create the form. For testing purpose I have create a mock prefill data in the json format in a file and I am able to read that json and prefill form using the below guideBridge api:guideBridge.restoreGu...