We have a lot of XDPs in AEM 6.5 OSGI which are to be rendered as HTML5All forms submit to the same jsp which generates a PDF and streams it back. Since we want to centrally control the submitURL for all forms, and not define it for each individually, we created a submitURL property on our custom re...
Hi All I am new to this forum and also Adobe forms development. I have a dropdown for example 01-UK02-France03-Kenya04-USA When the user selected the 01-Kenya or example, when I export the form as delimated text I want 01 to export and not 01-UK Any help would be appreciatedThanksZahed
Hi Everyone, We have a requirement to create RTE tooltip component. We have used one tooltip plugin to implement the functionality but for that we need to include bootstrap libraries to make it work.Is there any way to implement tooltip functionality without adding bootstrap libraries.Thanks in adva...
HiI have fixed a minor issue in my sample. This Apply Usage Rights sample allows you to upload a pdf(up to 2 MB) for applying usage rights.The UI exposes only a subset of usage rights. In my code, I only apply the following usage rightsform-fillcommentsattachmentsdigital signatureThe reader extended...
HiI have built a sample that allows you to query submitted form data. To test this capabilityFill and submit Mortgage-Enquires or Feedback formOpen the dashboard to query your form submissionsClick on the appropriate blue box to query form submissionsSpecify the field to query and then click on "Ge...
Hello, I have a form that I am trying to use calculations but receive the following error message - Script failed (language is formcalc, context isxfa[0].topmostSubform[0],Page1[0].CURRENT_TotalRow1[0])script=/*AFSimple_Calculated("PRD", new Array ("Current QTYRow1", "UNITPRICERow1")):*/ Error: synt...
Hello As I'm new in this Borad I hope to be on the right audience.We use AEM Forms 6.4 and extending our Forms with more prefilling and other functionality. I found https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-learn/forms/adaptive-forms/prefill-service-adaptive-forms-article-use.html as...
Hi, Someone please help me. <sly data-sly-test.lang="${val}" />i am getting the current url in lang but when i m trying to test using below code it is getting false somewhere and i m not getting text ( true ) on page(view source). so is there any other condition in aem to use here. <sly data-sly...
When creating a scrollable dropdown field, I can only scroll via the scrollbar or navigation fields.Is it possible to scroll down via mouse wheel while having the focus in the dropdown field?Right now the whole screen moves when using the wheel. Thanx