HiI have built a sample that allows you to query submitted form data. To test this capabilityFill and submit Mortgage-Enquires or Feedback formOpen the dashboard to query your form submissionsClick on the appropriate blue box to query form submissionsSpecify the field to query and then click on "Ge...
Hello, I have a form that I am trying to use calculations but receive the following error message - Script failed (language is formcalc, context isxfa[0].topmostSubform[0],Page1[0].CURRENT_TotalRow1[0])script=/*AFSimple_Calculated("PRD", new Array ("Current QTYRow1", "UNITPRICERow1")):*/ Error: synt...
Hello As I'm new in this Borad I hope to be on the right audience.We use AEM Forms 6.4 and extending our Forms with more prefilling and other functionality. I found https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-learn/forms/adaptive-forms/prefill-service-adaptive-forms-article-use.html as...
Hi, Someone please help me. <sly data-sly-test.lang="${val}" />i am getting the current url in lang but when i m trying to test using below code it is getting false somewhere and i m not getting text ( true ) on page(view source). so is there any other condition in aem to use here. <sly data-sly...
When creating a scrollable dropdown field, I can only scroll via the scrollbar or navigation fields.Is it possible to scroll down via mouse wheel while having the focus in the dropdown field?Right now the whole screen moves when using the wheel. Thanx
I would like to understand what is the best way to create Vanity URL for public facing forms.For eg. consider a form which is rendered using a custom profile like this :http://hostname:4502/content/profile/customProfile?contextRoot=crx:///content/dam/formsanddocuments/myforms&template=form1.xdp how ...
The AEM Forms ref packages install and work ok on e.g. Forms 6.5.3, but there seems to be some conflict and not able to subsequently edit any adaptive forms or templates on the box, so not able to customise these samples. Are there any known workarounds or fixed-up versions of these packages in the ...
I created a forget Password service for the user to reset his/her own password by sending a link to his email and providing a reset password page. Inside this service I use:session = resolver.adaptTo(Session.class);UserManager userMgr = resolver.adaptTo(UserManager.class);Authorizable a = userMgr.ge...
Newbie question here. I am creating a form that has a few questions included in it. I am placing the question in the Title field. Some of the titles/questions are not displaying fully, likely due to length. Is there a way to have the title wrap so that the entire title/question is displayed?
I was looking at the "AccountManagementService" as this function provide two nice features to validate users who can register themselves and it provide a feature to allow user to reset their own password. One point I want to understand is the host validation. The host name of the production server i...