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Disable Brand Portal contribution folder publish emails


Level 2



we receive emails such as this one below after each publication of Contribution Folders to AEM and would like to know if there is any way to disable them globally:



Time: Wed Aug 18 02:12:28 PDT 2021

Hey Jane Doe,

The contribution folder my-folder is successfully published to AEM.



This is an automatically generated message. Please do not reply.




They are sent to all users that are set up to be Brand Portal Administrators in Admin Console.



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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 4

At present, there is no option to configure these email notification settings in Brand Portal via Admins. However, it's in the product roadmap and would be introduced in future releases. The reference number is CQ-4317727, please note there is no tentative release date or cycle provided by the product team on this yet.

View solution in original post

5 Replies


Community Advisor

@epilepticdeeply These emails are sent as a part of automatic publish workflow that's triggered after you have done a Brand Portal integration, created a Contribution folder and published those specific assets.

You can disable the integration, if not needed. 

Or remove the contribution folder. Please check this article once: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-brand-portal/using/asset-sourcing-in-bran...


Level 2

Hi @diksha_mishra,


thanks for your reply.


We do not want to disable the integration with Brand Portal or stop using Contribution Folders. We just want the notifications to go away.


Is there really no way to disable only the notifications? Is it possible to flag this as a feature request with the Brand Portal development team?


Best regards


Community Advisor

@epilepticdeeply Understood. You can try following steps to disable default notifications:

1. Go to /system/console/configMgr

Eg: http://<hostname>:<port>/system/console/configMgr

2. Edit the configuration called 'Day CQ workflow Email Notification Service'

3. Disable 'Notify on Abort' and 'Notify on Complete' options.

You might need to search Brand Portal Specific configuration to meet your requirement. 

Hope this helps. Please post your findings here.


Level 2

We already have notifications disabled on AEM.


The issue is that these notifcations (including the example in my first post) are directly coming from Brand Portal, not from AEM (as evident by the "From" address no-reply@adobe.com ).


Our client has the "Day CQ Mail Service" configured with a totally different "From" address and a server which would not allow emails to be sent with a spoofed "From" header.


Correct answer by
Level 4

At present, there is no option to configure these email notification settings in Brand Portal via Admins. However, it's in the product roadmap and would be introduced in future releases. The reference number is CQ-4317727, please note there is no tentative release date or cycle provided by the product team on this yet.