Hi, We have to tree-activate the Assets by excluding the content fragments. Is there any OOTB feature OR any utility from ACS Commons, readily available to achieve this?We don't want to write any scripts at this moment.Appreciate your thoughts!Thanks,
I want to implement this tool for bulk metadata editing tool.So if I want to maintain the metadata for all assets in a folder at once, but they have different values in different metadata fields.So I can select the assets that I want or folder. Extract excel and work offline and update it, or chang...
Hello,We’re upgrading AEM Service Pack to use Sitemap feature and trying to setup a scheduler for Sitemap Generation (org.apache.sling.sitemap.impl.SitemapScheduler) but It’s not able to execute and in error.log, getting this: org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.Cursors$TraversingCursor Traverse...
Hello -- We are attempting to configure AEM Assets for our internal light users in AEMaaCS. These users will have surfing/read-only access to all assets in the DAM. Is there a way to limit the options these users have available to select from on screen? We don't want them to go into any other areas ...
I'm trying to get some data out of our AEM Assets (Cloud Service) DAM. For any given asset, you can view the properties and on the Basic and References tabs, you can see documents that reference an asset. For example an InDesign file may link to a logo and several photos (using Asset Link). If I loo...
Hello everyone, I am working on enabling the Asset Insight Tracker on web pages and I am using the AEM Asset Insights Extension in Launch. In the extension, it says there that I don't have any configuration. I am working on 3 context variables in this. The a.assets.source, a.assets.idlist and a.asse...
In AEM 6.5, Asset shared link's download link for users will by default download all the rendition + original rendition of the image/pdf. I have a requirement where I need only original file to be downloaded and no rendition files. Is there a way this could be achieved from the tweaking or overlayin...
We have task sets for different products/services but many of them include the same role. There are instances where the resourcing manager would like to assign one set of tasks to one person on the team and the other to a different person on the team (both with the same role). Currently, the resourc...
Hi We have a usecase where in we will have to convert the file extension from filename.xml/filename.dita (topic file) to filename.custom (custom extension) when we send it to TMS via translation connector. And we wanted to convert it back to filename.xml/filename.dita DITA topic post translation.
When we send files from AEM Assets to Phrase TMS via translation connector, the translation projects that we created within AEM shows the each file with complete path along with folder structure and everything. but in TMS, it just shows the filename only. is there a way we can send the complete path...