Has anyone been having issues with Excel documents in the DAM opening in IE 11? If you link to Excel DAM assets they won’t open if you select the “Open” option in IE. If you choose “Save” and then open the file it’s fine. If we move the Excel file into Eloqua’s document manager, it’s fine. PDF docum...
Is there a link available to the AEM Assets Sizing Calculator? There was one provided as part of a lab during Summit 2017 but it doesn't appear that this tool is available online to use?
Whenever i am uploading image in the 6.3,DAM update asset workflow is getting failed.Its throwing the below mentioned error.Failure Message: Process implementation not found: com.day.cq.dam.s7dam.onprem.process.S7damExtractImageInfoProcessStep:Dynamic Media On-Premise extract image info.com.adobe.g...
To whom it may concern,I just started using Adobe Scene7 Publishing System and would like to use svg's on our companies website. I recently tried uploading svg files to Adobe Scene7 Publishing System, however, once you do this, how do you obtain the url for the svg? When I upload jpgs or pngs, urls ...
We have 1000+ fragments in our application, we want to provide a mechanism to users to search a text within Fragments. The data in fragments is stored as binary, any idea how to perform a text search in fragments?
Is there an OOTB way in AEM 6.2 to crop image renditions on upload similar to how Wordpress handles renditions? Currently the workflow is just resizing the image.
This is what drove this question. The use case is that I have two folders that are sub-folders to a top folder. The top folder has a specific schema that was created and applied via touch UI so the two sub-folders inherit that schema.Each sub-folder has a metadata profile applied to them that is u...
04.09.2017 09:22:14.425 *ERROR* [ [1504516934399] GET /assets.html/content/dam HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Uncaught SlingExceptionjava.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: Only a type can be imported. com.day.image.Layer resol...
AEM 6.3. Mail is configured and i do get notifications now from asset workflows. All references to links have base URL as localhost:4502 in the notifications. Such as:Content: http://localhost:4502/content/dam/aem-docs/VID_digital-hub-DAM-overview_EN.mp4/jcr:content/renditions/original ---------...
I wondered what the correct procedure is for deactivating an asset when the copyright expires? I will tell content authors to use the expires option in the Advanced part of the Asset properties. However I wonder what will happen to the asset on the publish instance? If the reference page is live...