I've been using this example https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2345035 a lot, it's really great :-)
I have just been trying to implement a solution where I loop in information from the delivery schema (I'm also aggregating recipient delivery log data and adding to the temp schema using enrichment).
I have what I believe should be a working solution (I did a similar much simpler example with recipient data + recipient tracking log data that worked) however, when my workflow gets to the alert activity it errors and gives me the following message in the log:
Failed to load delivery ID 3611 into the cache: This delivery does not exist, has been deleted or the login does not have the required rights.
Firstly, all the deliveries that i want to loop into my alert exist and are visable when viewing "display target" of the temp schema.
Secondly, the delivery ID reference (ID 3611) doesn't make sense to me - delivery ID's are usually a longer number?
Could anyone shed any light on what this alert could be or how i could remedy?
Hi David,
Delivery with ID 3611 is the notification template available inside Administration > Production > Campaign Management > Technical delivery templates
It seems that your operator does not have access to it or someone has deleted this template
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Hi Vipul,
Thank you for your response. Very much appreciated.
I can see that delivery template. It does exist, and my operator does have access.
I sent myself an alert which uses it via workflow with a simple "alert test" static HTML message and it worked - so I don't understand why i'm getting that error.
I've given more detail on the workflow where the error occurs below, if you can offer any further insight - that would be great.
Workflow build
Deliveries info Query (query)
To return deliveries that have success ratio less than 95% in last month (messages to send > 99 )
Failed Logs Info Query (query2)
To get the failed recipient delivery logs for each the same deliveries
Group by and count by Email Domain
Failed Logs Info - Deduplication - Keep Top 5 Error Domains Per Delivery ID (dedup)
Keep the top 5 email domains per delivery
Failed Logs Info - Enrichment - Add an auto PK (enrich)
Enrichment activity just to add a PK for each record (I didn't know an alternative way, but without this step the next enrichment complained about no PK)
Enrichment 2 (enrich2)
Joins the top 5 failed recipient delivery logs to each delivery
Alert (alert)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<p>The following deliveries had a Success Ratio of less than 95%. The last column details the top 5 error domains.</p>
var query = xtk.queryDef.create(
schema="temp:enrich2" operation="select">
<node expr="@deliveryFolder"/>
<node expr="@deliveryId"/>
<node expr="@deliveryLabel"/>
<node expr="@contactDate"/>
<node expr="@initialTargetPopulation"/>
<node expr="@messagesToSend"/>
<node expr="@processed"/>
<node expr="@success"/>
<node expr="@successRatio"/>
<node expr="@errors"/>
<node expr="[failedLogs/@emailDomain]"/>
<node expr="[failedLogs/@errorCount]"/>
var items = query.ExecuteQuery();
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="2">
<td>Delivery ID</td>
<td>Delivery Label</td>
<td>Contact Date</td>
<td>Initial Target</td>
<td>Messages To Send</td>
<td>Success Ratio</td>
<td>Top 5 Error Domains</td>
<% for each (var item in items){%>
<td><%= item.@deliveryFolder %></td>
<td><%= item.@deliveryId %></td>
<td><%= item.@deliveryLabel %></td>
<td><%= item.@contactDate %></td>
<td><%= item.@initialTargetPopulation %></td>
<td><%= item.@messagesToSend %></td>
<td><%= item.@processed %></td>
<td><%= item.@success %></td>
<td><%= item.@successRatio %></td>
<td><%= item.@errors %></td>
<% for each (var logs in item.failedLogs){%>
<%= logs.@emailDomain %>: <%= logs.@errorCount %><BR>
<% } %>
<% } %>
Audit Logs
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Hi David,
Sorry for the late reply. I think your workflow looks ok. I don't have a way to test that right now. Have you contacted support regarding this? They'll be able to track down why you are getting this error related to the alert template.
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Hi florentlb,
Thanks for your response.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Really keen to get this example working. It would be very helpful for future use.
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Hi David,
Unfortunately I don't know answer, but I have a clue. I saw mentioned error lately, when I had removed workflow's operator form Admin group. We also have some dynamic content incoming from query in Alert activity. So it is probably access right issue. Try to run this workflow as Admin.
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Hi David,
Could you find a way to resolve your issue? Did you contact the support team to have it checked?
Let me know,
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Hi florentlb,
I haven't found a resolution yet.
I'll be honest, I read your response as you'd be contacting support! (whoops).
I'll raise a support ticket now and share if a resolution is found.
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Hi David,
I think the issue is due to your operator not having access to some particular folders . For example you are trying to select Delivery folder in the queryDef operation , do you have access to that folder ?
You can right click each of the folder being accessed here and see if you have access by clicking properties and going to the security tab.
You may try to add that operator to each folder being accessed as a part of this workflow .
Alternately , try running this workflow as admin and see how it goes .