Hi James,I guess Promise doesn't work in Adobe Campaign. ACC Javascript implementation is Spider Monkey, so it is probably ECMAScript 5 (2009) standard. Promises were introduced with ECMA 6 (ECMAScript 2015).Regards, Marcin
Hi agsUnfortunately AC uses http as default. I'm not sure if this can be changed. Please ask Blob owner/admin to set Secure transfer required to Disabled: Most probably new Access keys would need to be generated too: This small change should resolve your issue.Regards, Marcin
Hi, I'm looking for help regarding jssp and input forms used together. I have a input form that displays content of jssp. I would like to choose one of the values available on jssp and insert it back to the input form. But I have no idea how to insert chosen value again in input form context, how to...
Hi,How I can use the output of SQL Code activity in a following JS activity? I'm typing below code in SQL activity:SELECT max(iId) FROM CusTestDataSchema What should I type in JS to receive SQL's output? vars.output doesn't work here. Thanks,Marcin