Hi,We are using Adobe IO Rest API to create a profile and add the subscriptions to the profile.We are always getting the error "orgUnit property is not valid for the 'profile' resource." when we trying to override the default value ("all") set by profileAndServicesExt/profile api. Same applicable fo...
My workflow is processing the delivery activity and than throwing an error after processing. The error says "Invalid Column Name sSegementCode" and seems to be due to the workflow trying to insert a field that doesn't exist into the temporary table. Has anyone seen anything like this? I have used...
Hi,I am using the object targetData in a delivery of a workflow. If I try to see what's inside this object with the following code:document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(targetData) + "</pre>");I only get part of the object, not all the keys that are available.However, the keys are perfectly availa...
Hi guys, can Adobe campaign blast an email that contains JSON-ld google mail schema ??If so can you guys give me some example how to do it?Appreciate it if u guys can help im a newbie. Thanks.
Hi,Is it possible by any way to export an XML field value to a .csv through a workflow?for example if I wish to export emails subject lines to a file.Thanks,Sagi
Hi guys,This is the scenario:For confidentiality, I have blurred the id's but lets imagine those id's are the same. One id can consist of many delivery code in this targeting dimension, how do I make a filter such that if any of the delivery code is contains/equal to "VM_Welcome_AspiretoBook_Email" ...
Hi,I'm working on a workflow and I would like to be able to read the 'Target Extension' (targetData object) of the workflow on a script that I want to include on the 'Script' tab of a Delivery in the workflow (see img below) Also I would need to have more details about the recipient list fed from th...
Hi,I am looking for an example of saving the record count in a Adobe Campaign query. I then want to save the count into a database table table. Can anyone point me in the direction of saving just the record count and not the actual records.Thanks.RegardsChris
We are currently using Adobe 6.1 on Linux and Oracle. The Oracle instance seems to have a larger than expected space requirement. Adobe Campaign comes with a default archiving policy of 12 months. We are 10 months in had have had to increase disk allocation. With Oracle, the issue is that once a tab...