Hi Team,Can suggest if we can extend input form into another input form in Neolane in order to make customise the factory input form of delivery.Kindly help and put forward your suggestion.Thank Much In Advance!Nidhi
As there are lots of ways of doing things in Adobe Campaign v6, I would like to know what's the best method to exclude recipients from a second delivery, if they have already received a delivery in the last 5 days. I'm now using the following, but I'm wondering if this is correct and if it's the bes...
HI,I have configured and created the Re-Marketing campaign as described in the given below link. Adobe Genesis connector has been configured and integrated Analytics and Campaign to read the segments, too.https://docs.campaign.adobe.com/doc/AC6.1/en/PTF_Connectors_Web_Analytics_connectors.htmlTechni...
Hi,I experience two specific buggy behaviors:1) Some WF components don't display (empty space in the edit WF pane), but I get an error pop up saying "Unable to create an image from a memory block. Format not supported."2) I can't edit delivery templates. the editor won't allow me past a long series ...
HIwe have a scenario where the html for the email and the users will be provided by some external system and wants to use the campaign only to send the emails( push).What is the best approach to do that or if you can point me to the right location.thanks
Hi,We developed a j2EE demo web app and implemented Adobe Analytics on that, got it working. Then we implemented the message centre functionality for transactional messaging. Checked it with sign up event based welcome email delivery. It worked and we are getting the email once the user registers on...
Dear all,is it possible to send out push notifications with graphics via AC.To clarify, I mean "real" graphics, i.e. not emos like smileys etc.Thanks in advance and best,Martin Schmidt
While loading a file with records, I noticed 11 records got removed after the file got loaded. I want to understand what was wrong with those 11 records that such records got removed.Below is the journal log. It says too many columns. I am unable to understand why only 11 records got removed. What w...
Hello everyone !I have a reccurent problem in my platform... I'm sending nearly 6 millions of email every day, so i'm generating much logs ! I'm monitoring my ID sequence to don't have problems with the loop at 2 billion, but I have a problem that I don't understand.My sequence in the data table "Xt...