I'm hoping this is the right place to ask this question. We have adobe campaign version 6.1.1I've built a workflow that creates a segment for an email. The segment uses an enrichment step to get join some data from another step.This all works fine and when I "Display the target" coming out of the en...
Hi All,I have a query related to enumeration, does any one have any idea where does the enumeration values and their meaning gets stored in database - is there any standard table which stores this ?For example if we check xtk:workflow schema in documentation tab we can find out the corresponding enu...
Hi Team, I am trying to build one predefined filter for max(value) for each household, same thing I have achieved through QUERY process box, where I am utilising the Aggregate functions and doing group by on Household key. Now when I am trying to achieve the same through predefined filter I am not s...
Hello! I have created a simple webapp with a page and an file upload field. But upon selecting a file and then clicking on the upload button, it will always get stuck on the upload step. When I checked on the network tab of Chrome to see what could be the error, the response from /nl/jsp/uploadFile....
As the title suggests, how do I limit the number of sends within an email to say, 10,000 emails per hour.In previous tools I've used this was called "Metering", I can't work out what it's called in Adobe Campaign though.ThanksTom
Hi everyone,Is there a limit on the number of Recurring Email activities in a workflow? I know the limit of a workflow in a campaign is 28, I was just wondering if there was one for activities.
Hi,I would like to load data from a CSV (list of customers to be targeted in a delivery or activity in Campaign), map this list into the Adobe Campaign Recipients dimension. The CSV contains a field for reconciliation (customerID) which is identical to a field in our Recipient-dimension.I have start...
Hi Team ,We are doing to build upgrade version from 8935 to 8977 .after successfully upgrade , all the module are up & running ,even web server is also up and running .but when we try to login via client console getting below console error :why this error is coming up . can any check and let us kno...
Hello,I want to modify the datatype of attributes in a schema with out changing the schema structure.Like (string --> int/long) or (int/long --> string)I tried to convert the datatype of an attribute in update activity in the workflow by using the expression fileds (toString()) and no luck.Is there ...