Hello everyone,I've got a specific question regarding Message Center in Adobe Campaign Classic. One of our customers would like to restrict the sending of emails through Message Center on his Stage/Sandbox environment. No matter what email is used in an API call to the Message Center, the outgoing e...
Hello,I have a predefined filter that contains two sub-filters in the definition. When I inspect the result of the new filter, I see duplicated records.Is there some automatic setting/way to make sure that a pre-defined filter only contains distinct data? (without actually modifying the criteria def...
Hi, When I installed JDK 1.8 in my application server, JMC also got installed automatically. But as JMC is licensed and need purchased my client wants JMC to be uninstalled. But before uninstalling, I just want to be sure that uninstalling a property or feature from JDK doesnot disturbs the system a...
Hi guys, I know there is a report Open tracking which shows the statistics for OS, Device, Browser and email Domain, but it doesn't work when I pick several deliveries. Is there an option, through a Query, to get this information for a whole year? Regards,Raúl
Hi Just a general question, according to the latest Adobe guidelines it states to avoid URL peronalization e.g. <%= url >, https://<%= url >, https://<%= domain >/path etc. Does anyone know when this came in to effect or has this always been there? The guidelines was updated in Apr 2020 but I want t...
Dear, We are currently investigation how we can setup write rights to Hive/Hadoop to store temporary results on Hive/Hadoop instead of in the SQL DB of AC.We also read it might be possible to use Hive/Hadoop tables in the enrichment / split activity, and not only in the RDBMS activity. We however ha...
Hi everyone, I'm looking for some email creation time-saving tips and tricks that users might not be aware of for a Stensul blog post. If you're okay with me quoting you, I'd love some help with this as I'm new to Campaign myself! Thanks so much!
How can I track a phone number with UTM parameters?<a href="tel:18001234567">Call Me</a>I tried adding ?utm_content=bannerctc like so:<a href="tel:18001234567?utm_content=bannerctc">Call Me</a>But this just converts the letters into numbers so it tries to call: 18001234567?886_2668368=754332Here is ...