Hi All, Working on a project where we are using a Ruby script in a multiscript activity. Following it's completion, we'd like to be able to pass results back to the workflow to use downstream. e.g. populate variables like instance.vars.xxxxx Can anyone expand pass results back to a workflow from a ...
Hi allIs it possible for ACv7 to support AVIF files? I have it working in the browser, but when loading into the delivery template it by-passes the AVIF and shows the fallback. The test emails also only show the fallback. I'm wondering if this is worth pursuing if the software doesn't support AVIFFo...
Hi there, Currently we have a lot of columns on our recipients extension schema. We're planning on moving most of the columns to other tables, to clean the recipients and just be more ordered.In order for the users to do not use so many enrichement activities in their workflow; we would like to make...
Hi, what could be the possible reasons for not receiving an email for approving a delivery although workflow notifications going out under Technical Deliveries folder? Also, adding to it:1. What could be the reason for an approval not showing up on the Campaign Dashboard(not a workflow approval)2. A...
If there are 1,000 recurring campaigns in the same recurring delivery activity using different delivery template versions for the same customers over different periods, how can I get the count of unique customers?
There are different locations where the same company operates. If we want to hide a particular data schema from these specific location groups, what should we do?
Suppose there are personalized fields in email delivery templates customized for each customer group. What personalized content will a particular seed address receive if it is marked as a seed address in that email delivery template?
I need to generate and personalize 4 unique coupon IDs for each of 1000 customers. What is the best way to set up this process using a template field? Specifically, how should I configure the template and data to ensure each customer receives their unique set of coupon IDs? Any tips or tools you rec...
Hi I wanted to know if we have any method name as pushEventBatch, as it was been used in one of our API integration not message centre, I know we have pushEvent and pushEvents methods@ParthaSarathy Thanks in Advance
Hi Everyone , How can we insert Complete source HTML in Content Schema , and what are the major difference between Normal Schema and Content Schema(Content manager).Thanks in advance.