hi I am trying to get Column values from Schema to use further in workflow. facing issue on this. Suppose I have table where I can see lots of products and sub-products associated. So one way is using split I need to get product values first and then using further split(s) i get the sub-products v...
Hi all, Do you know how I can delete a schema created with nms as namespace? Quick summary, one of my developer created a schema and used nms as namespace. so it's automatically considered it as an ootb schema and I'm not able to delete it both with my operator (with administration named right) and ...
How to display data linked to a profile or recipient as multiple rows in a email delivery. This requirement is something similar to this post https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-campaign-standard/using-data-linked-to-profiles-in-an-email-delivery-including/qaq-p/372204 but with Ad...
Hi all,If a Campaign is created in a different folder, how to fix it? By dragging and dropping to correct Program folder, or by editing and updating the Program? Appreciate all your replies. Thanks,Rama.
Hi , I have scenario when email delivery is sent successfully and unsubscribed. But in the Adobe analytics event , i see 2 subscription for single delivery. Is this the expected scenario? Thanks,Pradeep
Hi all, A second workflow is required for a campaign.Is it possible to create it for the same campaign?Or only one workflow is allowed per campaign and so I need to create a new campaign for this workflow? Appreciate all your replies. Thanks,Rama.
Hi, I am facing one issue in my Split activity, "Compliments" giving low number of records than as expected. IF I put another subset, then this is also giving low number of records than as expected. FYI - Only first set of record counts comes in right way. Can you please suggest what could be root ...
Any suggestion .. When admin user login to system, based on his country, he should be able to see only those recipient so that targetting will be generic at the same time its automated way to resolve the recipient?