Hi there, I am creating a report with the targeting and filtering dimensions set to Delivery, aiming to obtain the counts of successful emails, opens, and clicks from indicators However, I specifically want to see the opens and clicks for data where the rec_create_date from another table is within t...
Hi, I've removed some fields from our recipients extension.Just deleted the attributes from the XML, but when trying to Update DataBase structure, the table Nms:recipients appeared gray, indicating it doesn't need to be upgraded. The extension abc:recipients doesn't appear on the Update DataBase to...
Hi, I've added a new field to our recipients extension: abc:Recipients. however, it doesn't appear in the Profile & Targets -> Recipient section.It does appear the field appears on the schemas section. So it was added to the table.Why? and hwo to solve this? Than you.
Finding this Oracle error when launching Push delivery (both IOs or Android).The error "AM ORA-210000 Oracle error: ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification" log shows when "recipient(s) match segmentation criteria " happens.Haven't found the root cause nor info av...
Hi, I have created new schemas in Adobe sandbox the schemas seems fine, but once after trying to update Database structure getting the following error Can anybody help me understand the error and find solution for it Regards
Hi Everyone, I need to distribute the leads based on the store and employees based on the region, so can i use DYNAMIC SQL inside the SQL code activity. could you please anyone help me on this?Thanks,Vignesh N.
Hi All, Can you please help to tell me Usage of aggregate functions- Rank and Ceiling while using enrichment and query activity in adobe campaign classic example when we use enrichment activity and create custom column for calculations, May I please know when to use below Aggregate functions and th...
We are attempting to implement the one-click unsubscribe webapp and have the baseline implementation running. However, we are trying to include at least one additional parameter to the generated link injected into email headers via typology rule. In particular, we want to get a handle on the email d...
Hi Team, I am facing a minor issue with AEM-Campaign Sync.Only emails until 19th Jan 2024 are appearing in the ACC UI, the emails created after 19th Jan till date are not appearing. This is the case with ONLY PROD environment. Therefore, currently the email-content authors are doing the email creati...
I need to change this:<attribute label="Email 2.Informativo" name="EMAILRELACIONALALERTAS" type="string"/>to:<attribute label="Email 2.Informativo" name="EMAILINFORMATIVO" type="string"/>But changing the "name" attribute and ACC wants to drop the whole column. ACC creates this SQL:-- Log: Updating ...