Hello,I am creating an enrichment to pull in first name from a separate table that will be used in an email. The field is defined below in Adobe, but when I code the targetData to reference that field, I am getting the error the targetData is not defined. The way the enrichment is set up it looks ...
Hello All, Please help meHow to send an attachment via Alert activity in adobe campaign classicBusiness Case:we are extracting the data in data extraction activity and then we need to add that attachment in alert activity and send it to operator group in adobe campaignplease suggest steps
I'm using JS to formt values. Insted of 1000, I would like it to be 1,000 on the final alert sent to the imbox of users.I've found this formatter func online, but it is giving me errors:const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('undefined', {style: 'currency',currency: 'USD',// These options are neede...
I'm using an split activity to count how many recipients have field A and how many have field B.Since those are 2 segments inside the split activty I get 2 outputs. I can send an alert for each output, but I need to send a single email containing both counts of Field A and Field B.How to do it? Each...
Hi Team, I need to understand now below option works, not able to understand 2 different options, kindly help.Try again later if outside of execution periodURL :- https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/campaign-classic/using/automating-with-workflows/flow-control-activities/time-constraint Rega...
Hi Everyone,I am building a connectivity between two workflows and need to call one workflow from another workflow using external signal activity.Need small help in getting way for same.Regards
I need the number of recipients with "Email comecial" not empty, meaning they have an email comercial.Appliying a filter to the schema shows there are 7M recipients where email comercial is not empty. But using a workflow to query the recipients table and then and split activity, to not only get the...
Hi,My team is trying to send out a LINE Delivery. First image included with Primary Key 78041. We ask the visitor to fill in the subscription form so the LineUserID was generated by Adobe Campaign. The second picture, with Primary Key 89321, we already have the Line MID, so we create the visitor and...
I need to use in js node some parameter from profiles. These profiles were chosen during the segmentation node (for example Read List). How to do that?
One of our workflows, started on 08/28 and we estimate it is going to finish on 01/09, 04 days after it started.It loaded 24M records and it has to update all of them. The time is spent on the update activity that has 200,000 as batch size. It targets the recipients table.Is this normal? Is there an...