Hi there! I have been puzzling a bit with how much it is possible to personalise emails. It seems that apparantly you can "only" use recipipient specific 1st level data to insert dynamic and personalised content. I was wondering if it is possible to somehow insert other data from tables that may co...
Hello.Always thank you for there help! If want to track text emails, is it possible to set them in the text content of the "Recurring delivery" Activity and display them in the URL display list at the bottom? Not an HTML Email.Thank you.
Hey all, I have an ACC email I need to create for Message Center, the flow looks like this:API call comes into Message Center, had has a value for the amount of "vouchers" to display in VOUCHER = 3 -- this means this particular email should eventually display 3 vouchers in the emailvouchers is jus...
Developing custom JSSP-based services on ACC works lovely leveraging the __sessioncookie=username/password queryString method. However security standards have evolved and queryString based authentication is frowned upon due to potential retention in logs, etc. However for single request authenticat...
Hello, there is a way to change the <img> tag when i insert an image on the Campaign WYSIWYG? Like to catch the event of inserting image?I would like to add more data of the <img> tag. Best Regards and Thanks
Hello, I would like to upload everyday 10-15 images automatically to the ACC Server, so all the users can have access to those images and use to create campaigns.Do you know how i can do it?There is any soap that i can use to upload? Best Regards and Thanks
Hello everyone, I am setting up the hybrid solution with Marketing Instance on Premise and Mid-Sourcing in Adobe Cloud and I have these questions: 1. Where I can find databaseId and trackingPassword ? From my understanding Adobe has to provide that. <web><redirection IMSOrgId="xxxx@AdobeOrg" databas...
<% if ( document.mode != 'mirror' && document.mode != 'forward' ) { %>can someone please guide us about the above-mentioned script?what is document.mode and from where we get these values such as mirror and forward?
Hello.Currently, the scheduled workflow will be delivered with the approval of approver. Scheduler -> Workflow execution -> Send email -> Received by approver -> Approver approves -> Deliver to target I want sending of confirmation emails to members other than the approver before Mail delivery.But, ...