Hi Everyone, I'm facing an issue in displaying and storing the value of open ratio using JavaScript. I have used the below code, please let me know where i'm wrong. // query the database to find the winner (best open rate)var winner = xtk.queryDef.create(<queryDef schema="nms:delivery" operation="ge...
Hello, I tried to create an input form based on the nms:recipient schema. however when I created it, it overwrote the input form that I am currently using under profiles and targets>recipients folder. the objective I was trying to accomplish is to create a second input form with less information an...
I create an external account with the access key and the host name <myaccount>.blob.core.windows.net but when I try to update a file on transfer activity always get the same log:03/04/2021 8:22:59 PM CRL-290182 Error occurred while uploading 'http://<myaccount>.blob.core.windows.net/<co...
Hi Team, I have created one custom report where I have checked the Allow large data export option. But still, I am able to export the data maximum of 200 records. Is there any configuration I am missing here?
How difficult is it to split existing recipient table into two recipients based on value under a particular field?Once split will it it be possible to make workflows for both recipients using the same data in other tables in the Acm db without having to replicate these tables for the second recipien...
Hello, Can you please help me understand what are the identifiers used in the 'id' query parameter in a tracking URL of a delivery EX: we have tracking link in the delviery http://<AC_domain>/r/?id=h63686c2,10fa4be2,dc5d5edthe query parameter 'id' has 3 values.We found the last value "dc5d5ed" is th...
The campaign workflow cannot be started in the Adobe Campaign classic environment: After I click the start button after created a campaign workflow, it will not run, only in the "Start as soon as possible" status, all the process control buttons are gray.I've checked the log, it shows "Command 'Wake...
Hi, I'm uploading a Job with several columns, one of them is the "gender" column but since it's an "integer type" I'm not being able to get the update of this column done and it keeps showing as "None specified".
Hello!We have a Telemarketing channel and external account setup and it is of Delivery Mode = Bulk deliveryWe have a JS connector to the external account:function processDeliveryPart (deliveryPart) {var msgs = <messages successOnSent="true"/>;for each( var msg in deliveryPart.message ) {msgs.appendC...