I've been asked to find the schema and its field which will help me know which all links were clicked by a recipient.... I've been trying to find that out since quite a long time, but I'm unable to Please help me by saying which schema and field it is PS. I personally feel that the report that con...
Hi All, We have a hosted adobe campaign instance and we will like to export data from our data ware house hosted remotely to our Adobe Campaign instance. I have been looking into the FDA provided by AC to achieve this , kindly suggest if it's possible and if yes then how can we do it? Detail expla...
Hello, im working on a HttpClientRequest in Adobe Campaign. I've built a javascript node that will handle this. I have a succesfull response that I am able to see as a JSON object when I logInfo. The base of the request (example): var http = new HttpClientRequest("https://blablablac.net/CRM/Repo...
Hi Team, While trying to publish message center email/ sms template we are getting the below error Unable to publish transactional message on https://xxyyxx-rt-stage3.campaign.adobe.com. Error: At least one element is required by the package but missing from the instance. The import will fail.\nS...
Can you only perform PGP encryption in ACC? I would like to use WinZip, but it appears you have to have it installed on the instance; same as PGP. Is that an accurate statement?
We are wanting to send an .ics calendar invite in an SMS. I have researched this before for email, but never implemented it. So I am not sure how that would work for an SMS. Has any one had luck doing that and maybe could point me in a direction to get this implimented? Thanks
Hi, I've just started working with ACC v8 and I'm looking for a way to get a better performance on email deployment. I have a workflow that targets around 1 milion records, the query is based on default recipient table, it excludes from the target email address from particular providers and checks i...