I have a Issue with a custom activity, it seems like it doesn't work anymore I didn't made change on Workflow schema declaration somebody else going through this kind of error
All - question. When running the A/B test in Adobe - once the winner is picked, is there a way to configure the Delivery so that both Target Approval and Confirm Delivery can be set up. My client is wishing to approve the Audience for both the test emails - which is easy enough since I'm using a sin...
Hi, There is proper access rights to operator but when i receive audit approval in my email and when I click on the link that I received in email notification . I see below error can you please help Thanks,Sravya
Hello. I'd like to know if we have the possibility to make the configuration of the "scheduler" activity dynamic by a variablefor exemple, set up a start date or end date dynamically Thank you.
Hi,I want to create a query with the following conditions: all users who have received the transactional message "registration3" but did not open it.I have created this one you can see below but it always comes to zero results and I do not knowwhy as I look into the delivery and it has interactions....
Hello, i would like to use in the post-processing workflow of a delivery the temporal table generated here, in the previous activity of the delivery: Is there any way to do it?Thank you in advance.Héctor @Manoj_Kumar_ @ParthaSarathy @Parvesh_Parmar @DavidKangni
Hi While loading the data from FDA connector Postgress the fields which are defined as character varying in Postgress are trimmed while loading to Campaign classic.What could be the reason for this?
Hello, when trying to send a proof or any delivery, we are getting this error when clicking on test personalization / delivery target population- Please help. Thanks
Hello I am trying to getthe latrst consent date for each email from the last 3 years. I am not sure how to use the function properly ex: max(consetDate) but how can I group by email at the same time?