Hello there!As we structure our AEP implementation, is there any documentation on recommended naming conventions?Specifically, I’m interested in guidance for configuration properties, as well as for marketers creating segments, destinations, and campaigns. A standardized approach could really help i...
Hello everyone. I am quite new in Adobe Audience Manager, and I would like to send some audience I created in AAM to Google Ads.In particular, I created some Cookie - Based Audiences/Segments in AAM, and they work for all other destination but this one. Now, I think I have to create a specific desti...
Hi team, when we are trying to add segment to GAM destination, we are getting below error :AudienceServiceClient#createAudience(String,String,String,String,Audience) failed and fallback failed.
Running into an issue where the segments I was distributing from my AAM destination for my DV360 instance which I ended distributions to back in 2021 are still showing as mapped in DV360. My company no longer uses AAM and after logging ticket with Google support they suggested that I need to reach o...
Hi there, Just a bit confused how AAM offline traits work, can someone please kindly explain what could be happening? Below is a screenshot of a customer's data from AA, and we are trying to investigate why they fall into the cart abandonment segment despite they should have been kicked out by the o...
It will not let me get past MDP level 1, product quality 104 video.. it keeps saying my progress is synced and then it says reattempt as if it isn’t just a 15 minute long video. Ive tried everything to get past it but I am not sure what to do.. I need to get past it in order to get my raise.
Hi Team, I see this call in my browser website : https://dpm.demdex.net/optOutStatus?d_visid_ver=5.5.0&d_rtbd=json&d_ver=2&d_orgid=9342343134ERTBDF7F002345%40AdobeOrg&d_nsid=3&ts=17183 So wanted to check what is this optOutStatus status call ?Also wanted to ask if with 3rd party cookie (demdex ...
To understand the technical setup and workflow of how Adobe Audience Manager (AAM) and Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) integrate for content personalization based on segments available in the cookie, consider the following questions: What are the key components and configurations required to set up A...