when I create a freeform analysis and put several segments in the segment bar at the top and then do a csv download the resulting spreadsheet doesn't tell me the segments that were applied to the analysis which makes sending those spreadsheets out difficult to explain if the viewers don't know what ...
Are there plans to have different permission levels? For example:Admin - can do everything"Super user" - can create shared analysis only from curated itemsUser - can only view or filter an analysis
There are many more important features we users are waiting at the moment, but since you are eagerly wanting more wishes I realized that inside the mobile services all the pathing and funnel reports are looking spectacular and hopefully in the future we can do same kind of custom pathing and funnel ...
It would be really useful to be able to select multiple Dimension Values at the same time to drag and drop them in the Data Table, instead of having to choose one by one.Thanks!
The panel labels don't seem to update in Safari. For example, Changing "Freeform Panel" to "Foo", doesn't render.[img]Screenshot 2015-08-06 17.20.35.png[/img]
Why did you not create a separate group for analysis workspace (or public beta) access? You seem to have added it to the 'advanced reports' customization section for existing or new groups. However, because of issues with report builder Adobe Engineering has told us we must give everyone 'all repor...
The vertical date range comparison feature could also be incorporated similar to Site catalyst. It would really help analyzing the change in trends and investigating for the contributors of the change.
I would like to recommend if you could add additional features "compare dates" in Freeform Analysis(beta) similar like Sitecatalyst , it would be more prominent when doing comparison analysis. So this could added more advantage when exploring deeper insights about audience trend analysis yearly/week...