Hi,I would like to classify the values in the s.product variable using the classification importer.the s.product values are now like this: eeekkasd6ach34-762229I want to assign the "Friendly product name" to them.The "762229" part serves as an identifier.To make sure all the cases are covered, I am ...
When I export my Analysis Workspace project to PDF it prints all on one page, scrunching all the data so tiny it isn't legible. How can I change it so it prints on multiple pages?
Hello,I am working on a regular expression within Classification Rule Builder which would look for the value directly after the a colon (:) but would need to stop when it hits a pipe (|). I am running into difficulties getting Rule Builder to see the pipe in the string as the break point.example: s1...
I would like to crate a report within the adobe analytics ui that shows the date (DD-MM-YYYY) a second dimension (e.g. campaign) and differnet meetrics (visits, page views, custom events...). Until now i was not able to get a report that looks like that: DATE,CAMPAIGN,VISITS,PAGEVIEWS01.05.2016,Test...
I'm trying to put together a little report with some marketing channels - trials, sales etc. by week over a 3 month period. I've got the data, but what I'd like to do is present the weekly data as a running total, and then compare that with different patterns. Is there any way to get a running total...
Hi there,I am wondering what to do when dahsboards sheduled to finish in the past are still being delivered.I have set to finish on last monday but still Adobe is sending the reports. I have also re-schedule the date, considering that it might be a problem of American/ Spanish date format, but it di...
Hello,I have 2 questions regarding Adobe analytics calculations.1. In the Analysis Workspace I created a new project and I tried to compare three "bounces" metrics:- Bounces- Single Access- Single Page VisitsWhen I split my website for particular pages I obtained some monthly results for aforementio...
Hi, Is it possible to plot different dimensions over time in a time based chart eg line chart? Eg, I create a free form table with device type dimensions in left side rows, visits as metric. I want to attach it to a line chart that will individually plot each dimension row (device) as a chart trend,...
Trying to implement the new appmeasurement and having some issues with parsing multiple parameters in on stringUse to be if (!s.campaign) s.campaign = s.getQueryParam('PartnerId,utm_source,utm_medium,utm_term,utm_content', '|'); Update: if (!s.campaign){ s.campaign = s.Util.getQue...