HiWithin a data feed file, if I want to get the last touch channel data, what column would i expect this data to be in?is it post_channel column?Thanks
Hi hope someone here can help me. I'm upgrading our adobe analytics library to 2.5 however upon upgrading it i'm getting 'Error, missing Report Suite ID in AppMeasurement initialisation' error despite the fact that RSID was been declared.Really appreciate the help.
I noticed the numbers don't match up for “Entered site” path views on the Previous page flow report versus data in the referrer reports (whether it’s the Referring Domains Report, Referrers Report or Referrer Types Report).What I’m trying to do is show how users got to a specific page (just one leve...
Hello. I am trying to find the best way to track the the previous page URL for 404 pages when the source is external to my owened site. To find the previous page URL , I set a variable using JavaScript via Dynamic Tag Manager:var ex=document.referrerwhich allows me to get the previous page URL, ...
When i export a Workspace-Project, commas convert to points (32,44 -> 32.44) and points convert to commas (32.44 -> 32,44). What can i do, so that commas remain commas and points remain points when exporting a Workspace-Project as a PDF?Thanks for any Help
Hi All I have seen this multiple time and not able to find the correct answer for this. Whenever I create a new segment, I can see the only those values which fall under 90 days categories but which values are not cover under this not showing any data.Can anyone help me on this how to create a new s...
I am looking into using Data Sources to get traffic data that is currently populating in one Adobe Analytics instance into another. Based on the documentation (https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/sc/datasources/data_sources.pdf ), it appears that the "Traffic Data Sources" option I need...