Hi All, I have an eVar that is currently capturing the below as a single string and I want to use a classification rule builder to split the strings between the pipe delimiter. I can have have few or many such strings with few or many pipe delimiters. Is it possible? Any help is much appreciated. An...
Hi All, I'm trying to use the classification rule builder and regular expression to remove our report suite prefix from our page names. See example below: Current: uofctest:full-time:programs Would like it to be: full-time:programs Any thoughts on how to accomplish this? Thanks for the help!
Hi,I have some old apps is till sent data into Adobe Analytics. It is not useful to me any more.Is there any way to stop collecting this kind data from adobe side?To delete or inactive the report suite or delete the processing rule? Do they work?
We have a number of Data Warehouse requests that run on daily schedule. The requests were created by one team member who is going to leave the company. Is there a way to transfer the ownership of those requests to another account? Can it be done via UI?
Hello, In Workspace, I am using the percent change column to track YoY changes. I right click on a column and choose the date range I want to compare to, and the percent change column is generated. The percent change column seems to be generated in a way that is hard coded to the two input columns. ...
I am looking for a good tutorial or like to help me build date based comparisons in Workspace. In particularly, I am looking for a way to make flexible Time dimensions that i can set once and adjust the date range of the report. Thamlsml
Hi!AA beginner here I would like to segment unique visitors who have seen a certain page at least +3 seconds and then converted. This is for A/B testing (so that I can be sure that they have been exposed to the variation).How can I build this within AA workspace?Thanks in advance
Hi All, I'm encountering an huge drop in Analytics data. I have migrated the Adobe DTM to Adobe Launch property. After migration I have replaced the earlier DTM embed codes with the Adobe Launch Library codes. I could notice the huge data drop in my Analytics . Can someone help me what is the possib...