Webinar: Adobe Customer Journey Analytics Product Innovations: A Quarterly Overview. Come learn for the Adobe Analytics Product team who will be covering AJO reporting, Graph-based Stitching, guided analysis for CJA, and more!
Hello, CommunityIt has been four months since I began using Adobe Analytics. I am currently employed as an Associate Software Engineer at @carelon Global Solution (India), a division of @elevance Health.When I'm thinking about becoming a career option, I'd like to know about potential career advance...
When we are applying filter on Metric API (https://adobedocs.github.io/analytics-2.0-apis/#/Metrics/getMetrics) for "segmentable" field with “false” value, it is giving records having both true and false value. The filter is not working properly. When we apply true value: When we apply false value: ...
When we try to apply filter on ‘curatedRsid’ field for Date Range API (https://adobedocs.github.io/analytics-2.0-apis/#/Date%20Ranges/getDateRanges_1), it is not filtering the data. Here we have applied filter on curatedRsid field and it returned 2043 no. of data But, when we apply filter on same fi...
In Segment API, when filter value includeType=“templates” is applied, filters on other fields are not working. It gives records containing includeType as templates, but after that when we try to apply filter on other fields like - "name" field, it is not filtering the data. Could you please share de...
In Report Top Items API (https://adobedocs.github.io/analytics-2.0-apis/#/Reports/runTopItemReport) - 'startDate', 'endDate', ‘dateRange’ and ‘lookupNoneValues’ query parameters are not working.It is not at all filtering the response. Without applying filter:After applying filter on dateRange field:...
When I copy data from a Workspace table and try to paste it into Excel it is not pasting correctly. It seems to paste percentages instead of the raw number. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I know this was an issue a few weeks/months back, but seems to be back. It worked as expected this morn...
I've got a cohort table. It's set up to be visitors and it's by custom dimension. However, when I set up a cohort table and instead just put one of the values as a segment, I get a different starting number on the date where the cohort table begins, and it's a huge difference, about 90% lower. I cre...
Hi,I'm trying to create a segment to identify visits that do not include a specific event.To do so, I created a visit segment with 'Event does not exist'. Tried this in a visit container and just standalone.My expectation of this segment was that it would return all visits where there is no event.In...
The scenario goes like, my implementation is for an application and I have used the mobile SDK for the same. Now, all the allocation to eVars, props and events would happen via processing rules at the end. In my use case, when I am looking into the values of the out of the box events specifically fo...