I started working for a company that has one WordPress Instance, but 3 different blogs within that instance. They all have the same beginning site address, so when I go to Adobe Analytics it is bringing in all 3 blogs' content into my reports. Is there a way to separate these out, so I can look at t...
Looking to get guidance and best practice for setting a calculated metric to track page engagement rate.We have a custom eVar that is collecting total click volume, while utilizing the Page dimension to segment as necessary. These two elements of clicks to page is the basic set up of the formula. Wh...
Hi community, We have made a connection from a profile dataset in AEP to CJA. However, the profile schema doesn't include an "registration event" which would include a timestamp for the event of user registration and creation of their profile. Now the marketing needs to know about the number of prof...
Hello Everyone We currently have the requirement to ingest custom e-commerce data into Adobe Analytics via the AEP Web SDK utilizing the concept of XDM along with the AEP data stream. According to the official documentation, there are several standard values that are automatically mapped against the...
I have another question concerning the tracking of the dimension “Transaction Value” in Adobe Analytics. The dimension items. like “3000” or “10000”, depending on what credit volume a customer requests in his product application for the private credit. These values are captured as discrete values, w...
I have an older property where we are using javascript files loaded on the site. When I look at the extensions in the Adobe Experience Platform they are older... if I click upgrade and make adjustments, does it break anything with the existing configuration until I switch over to the new version? Th...
Hello !I want to compare my KPI's YoY based on the date selected in the workspace.Example: The date in the workspace is selected as 1st march 2022- 31st march 2022 then the comparison date should be 1st march 2021 -31st march 2021. Now, in the same report I change the date range to 1st feb 2022-31st...
Created a callback for launch activities using reactor api. Now I'm trying to delete it & followed this docs but still not able to delete a callback successfully as it returns 404 instead of 204.https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/tags/api/endpoints/callbacks.html?lang=en#del...