Hi Team, Doubt on AEP SDK IMPLEMENTATION: I have two xdm send events 1. For pageload and 2nd one for Interactions/link clickMy problem is: my link clicks got counted as page view it causing 2 pageviews. I do have proper setup on web details class in schema value of pageview 1 and link click 0 fo...
If I receive a success response from the 1.4 data insertion API using the right tracking server; does anyone know where in the Analytics platform/admin console can I find if the data is reaching the report ID that I'm using in my requests? All my http requests are returning this message from the 1...
Running a report in Adobe's version 1.4 API and I'm getting this error 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://api.omniture.com/admin/1.4/rest/?method=Report.Get { "error": "max_runtime_exceeded", "error_description": "Report exceeded maximum runtime of 48 hours" We're currently using four ...
Hello Community, While I was analyzing site traffic at our company, I noticed traffic from some of the user agents has Bounce rate = 100%, Unique Visitors, Visits and Page Views are all same numbers. Can I conclude that these are Bot traffic by taking these into consideration? or Is there anything ...
Why there is difference in custom link click events and bounce rate between props and evar? When I use evar I see different number but when I use prop I see a different number. Which is the right one to use if I want to see pagewise?
Hi community, We have a calculated metric created from a filtered eVar, like this: Users Tests Completed = (PageName contains "Result Page"). I know, we have no success event for this. We would like group how many times the same user got to that page (matches the calculated metric) grouped by perce...
Hi all, I have created a data feed to FTP to try fetching some historical data from Oct 1st, 2022. It worked well for fetching a few days' data. Then it stopped for some reason, and I noticed the situation of the job list below. FTP storage is not an issue because we have additional data feed com...
Hi there, I'm trying to filter a table based on a selection of different product numbers. I tried creating a segment using the 'equals any of operator', but the table returns additional products because there is often more than 1 product on a single analytics call. Instead, I'm trying to filte...