How can i create events in launch for return flow on my application. I have to create variable like tracking "Go back to order history" i can not use CSS selector as this might change. so how can i create settings in launch like what should be event, action, conditions, can someone share with screen...
Hi Community, For a specific page template on my website, I have 2 rules sending beacon (s.t()).The first rule is the generic one (rule name : "BOTTOM") which sends a pageview event on every page of my website. I'm struggling with my second rule dedicated to this specific page template (rule name : ...
Hii everybody! One of our product owners wants to see his product´s unique visitors by the last day, last 7 days, and last 30 days. However, changing the panel calendar will always show me the numbers based on today. Eg. if I chose the date range for February 25, I see the results for that specific ...
We're seeing strange data coming through for Last Touch Channels. After correcting how the referring URL was passed into link tracking, we saw a surge in Natural Search as Last Touch, however the vast majority of this surge has a Tracking Code and/or query param that should pass an upstream rule. As...
Hi Everyone,I am able to generate JSON object for single dimension. But unable to get 1 object for multiple dimensionWhen I use debugger in workspace > select Freeform table > select timestamp its generating only 1 response which has very limited values in object. Even though I have selected a week ...
Hello,Recently myself and my team are having problems renaming legend elements in barplots in our workspaces. This has been an issue since at least last week. Typically the legend text will seem to take, but once you save the workspace, it reverts back to default. Is this a known bug? Anything to be...