I'm trying to track a Button click using CSS selector Event is getting fired but in that I cannot able to see eVars and events.1. I added the CSS script in events --> Core--> clicks. (CSS Script)button.productcollection__item-button.productcollection__item-button--add-to-wish-list2. Added the set va...
Team, We are capturing the Tracking Code/Campaign pages with Query String Parameter(CID) via data element and setting up under the campaign variable through all pages rule. I believe if the page is loading with CID ( www.example.com/?CID=anyvalue ) then the value is going to be store under the eVar0...
I'm facing this error from a very basic query, and it doesn't include any details about what's wrong exactly. DataSource.Error: Unable to complete report at this time. Please try again laterDetails:DataSourceKind=AdobeAnalyticsDataSourcePath=AdobeAnalyticsErrorUri= Someone has ever seen this? I have...
Hi,We are implementing Adobe Analytics on react application where we see duplicate calls captured in Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger. We are sure that Data Collection Rule is triggered only once.One call has Analytics Hit ID and the second/duplicate call does not have value for this field, rest of t...
I tried providing basic metrics like pageviews, visits, unique visitors and bounce rate for a particular page for one of my client, for which I created a segment with page name and dropped it into the freeform table. The general format goes like this, the data shown must be only for the segmented p...
Hello everyone, Added condtion in adobe analytics extension but still web.archive data flowing into adobe analytics. for your refference please check below screenshot. Please help me on this how can i block the web.archive data permanently. Thanks!
Hi, Recently we are facing an issue regarding Ipad and Iphone hits. Previously it was captured under "Other" in device type and recently fix from adobe all the hits related to Ipad it is captuerd under "tablet" device type.Can someone let me know about this. Is this expected?If Yes, please share the...
In few of the Adobe reports, I am seeing Unspecified holds more traffic. When I checked the data layer variables, there is no value populated until user logs in. I mean on pre login pages, these data layer variables holds empty values. Does Adobe populate Unspecified if there is no/empty value in da...
Hi Community, Just wondering - Salesforces integrates into their own MC Personalization Product. Can their segments also be used for Adobe Target personalization.