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RegEx Support in filters


Level 6


It would be very helpful if Regular Expressions were supported in Filters/Advanced Filters.  The value of the filter function is severely reduced without RegEx support.

To continue on the same train of thought, it would be great if it were possible to save filters once they've been updated on bookmarked reports.  I find myself re-bookmarking reports after adding an extra filter parameter or two. If I miss re-bookmarking, then I need to re-add the new filter parameters next time I view the report.

Thanks for your consideration of my input!



Level 9


I wish I had more upvotes to give to this.  There's no reason Adobe can't easily implement regex capability to ALL of their fields.  This isn't 1990.  


Level 3


Although the Advanced > Special Characters feature of Filters in Repotrs & Analytics is nice, it'd be awesome to have full RegEx capabilities. Analytics Workspace only has Contains/Does Not Contain which is even more limited.


An example where I need RegEx for Report Filtering:

I'm trying to filter my Page URL eVar report to list only items with a colon, two characters that aren't colons, then a colon.


In RegEx, that'd be super-easy to create. But not possible with Reports & Analytics "Advanced" filtering capability.


The closest option that I've found is the "Matches" option while creating Segments, but there really isn't any detail in the Knowledge Base to explain what special characters are available: https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/analytics/segment/seg_operators.html


Level 3


Similar to: http://ideas.omniture.com/t5/Idea-Exchange-for-Adobe/Full-RegEx-for-report-filtering/idi-p/14352


I'd love to have full regex in Adobe: Reports/Analytics and Workspace.


But at the moment, we only have Contains or Does Not Contain. Expanding Workspace to at least Reports/Analytics filter features would be a great step!


Level 3


there must be something really deep down in the architecture of Adobe analytics Preventing regexp in Filters. It is so common in other Tools and so god-damn useful that I don’t see that any other reason would justify its absence to this day.

at least the advanced filters from reports and analytics should be allowed in workspace again


Level 2


Hopefully this is coming soon. We also have a need for it, in our case we'd love the be able to match the ends with "button\:(.+)$" but unfortunately the current filter options does not allow that.