Enhance the Adobe Analytics API 2.0 to include the start date and end date fields as part of the API response payload. Currently, these fields are only present in the request body.
Why is this feature important to you?
- Data Context and Completeness:
- Including the date range directly in the API response provides essential context for the data being retrieved.
- It ensures that the data is self-contained and complete, eliminating the need to cross-reference with the original request.
- Simplified Data Processing:
- Currently, users must extract the date range from the request body and manually add it to the processed data.
- This enhancement would automate this process, simplifying data processing and reducing the risk of errors.
- Improved Data Integration:
- When integrating Adobe Analytics data with other systems, having the date range readily available in the response facilitates seamless data integration.
- It eliminates the need for external data mapping and lookups.
- Increased Efficiency:
- By including the date range in the response, it will reduce the amount of processing needed on the user side, and make the data more readily available.
How would you like the feature to work?
- Date Range Fields in Response Payload:
- The API response should include two new fields: "Start Date" and "End Date."
- These fields should contain the start and end dates of the data range used in the request.
- The date format should be a standard format, like ISO 8601.
- Consistent Inclusion:
- The start and end date fields should be included in all API responses that involve a date range filter.
Current Behavior:
- Date Range in Request Only:
- Currently, the start and end date information is only present in the request body, within the "globalFilters" section.
- The API response payload does not include this information.
- Manual Data Processing:
- Users must manually extract the date range from the request and add it to the processed data, which is inefficient and error-prone.
Desired Behavior:
- Date Range Fields in Response Payload:
- The API response should include two new fields: "Start Date" and "End Date."
- These fields should contain the start and end dates of the data range used in the request.
- In the image, the date range is present at the top right of the image, as "Jul 1, 2024-Jul 31, 2024". This date range should be present in the API response.
- Consistent Inclusion:
- The start and end date fields should be included in all API responses that involve a date range filter.