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RegEx Support in filters


Level 6


It would be very helpful if Regular Expressions were supported in Filters/Advanced Filters.  The value of the filter function is severely reduced without RegEx support.

To continue on the same train of thought, it would be great if it were possible to save filters once they've been updated on bookmarked reports.  I find myself re-bookmarking reports after adding an extra filter parameter or two. If I miss re-bookmarking, then I need to re-add the new filter parameters next time I view the report.

Thanks for your consideration of my input!



Community Advisor


This is on my list as well. The current advanced filter does cover the bulk of our use cases (we're good at naming conventions). However, sometimes it falls short. While RegEx will be beyond may users, it will be useful for people who know it to have the option just a check box away.


Level 2


One of the team (Rajneesh Gautam) sent me the following idea:


While creating segments (filters) in Omniture, the only options we get are:

Contains all of

Contains any of

Contains None of

Contains exactly


This limits our capability of searching more complex strings in the values. For instance, I wanted to search all the page titles on shop which contain “- buy the” string. I couldn’t simple search for ‘- buy the” as many other sites have such patterns. With a regular expression or wild card availability, I could simple write this as “sho”*- buy the*”. Though it’s not a regular expression but can easily be converted into one.


Regular expressions will allow us to group multiple elements like pages, URLs and other variable-values. These will also allow us to search  for elements with strings following multiple conditions, for instance, in eShop, we may want to group all Phone pages with following conditions:

  1. All phone details pages have “- buy the” in their titles\
  2. All phones page has title “Browse Full range of….”


Now there’s no direct way to group these pages unless we use regular expressions. Hope this helps.


I think this is a great idea and hope we get some weight behind this to get it voted further up the list of Discover features!


Level 1


If you're going to change it, might as well go all the way with regular expressions. But only having contains/doesn't contain is a major bummer.


At least give us "equals".


Example - filtering out referring domains in a report - say we ran a bird website and wanted to know all the referrers from birds.com. If I want to see traffic from just birds.com I create a filter for contains "birds.com". But I get:







etc. because they all "contain" birds.com.


Thanks Mitchell for suggesting, to everyone else for promoting/voting, and to Omniture for the opportunity to provide input.


Level 5


Ability to find certain exact partial matches.

example, find "to" only and not bring up tomorrow.

in reports, discover and data warehouse.