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Unique Pageviews Leading to an Event


Level 1

Is there anyway to calculate unique pageviews (e.g. the number of visits that viewed a given page) that led to an event? Specifically I am trying to figure out the total unique pageviews leading to an order event for all pages.


A-G are all different pages.

Visit path 1: B > C > B > D

Visit path 2: B > E > B > D

Visit path 3: A > B > C > B > C > E > F > D > G

Visit path 4: B > C > B > F

If the desired event is the visitor reaching page D, then the following would be each page's 'Unique Pageviews Leading to an Event'

A: 1

B: 3

C: 2

D: n/a

E: 2

F: 1

G: 0

This is similar to how Google Analytics calculates unique pageviews, but adds one additional step by filtering out pageviews that didn't lead to an event.

2 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Dear derekc45296306,

Don't you think Visit here represents Unique Page Views? I think so.

If you just add a segment where Success Event Exits, then the Visits on the Pages is the Unique Page Views right?

While adding the Segment you should make sure that you have included Sequential Segment with 'Only Before Sequence' so that the Segment wont count the number after the Event even if your container is 'Visitor'.

Thank You



Level 8
Level 8

Dear derekc45296306

If they were:

Visit 1 Path:

Visit 2 Path:

Visit 3 Path:

Visit 4 Path:

then, Arun's advice is close to your required counts.

But if you are asking like:

Visit 1 Path, then user closed the browser or etc. which is not lead another "Visit" and start a new path, then that would be another story which I don't have answer now.

Because it seems you are asking:

When Event: Reach Page D is exist, how many paths are there and which pages are included in the path.

The first half of the question is difficult to answer by AA.