We use Scenario Planner and it has been a great tool to provide us insight and data for our planning and shows us what we can accomplish with our current resources. However, a few of our challenges or current asks would be:
We need a tool that can eliminate manual and redundant work currently being done in order for us to use Scenario Planner. Is there a schedule where I can see the Scenario Planner Roadmap for the next year? Our contract is up in June and we would like to see if this tool will get where we need it to be in the next 9 months.
Hey Trisha! This is all great feedback, I'll reach out to you through your account team to get something set up so we can talk through these points and go over our upcoming roadmap.
I agree with these suggested improvements and have a few more to add to this list:
I recently documented our wishlist for the scenario planner so I might as well add here. Much of it overlaps with the comments from Trisha and David above.
The Scenario planner feels like a forgotten function of the tool. It’s very convenient for quickly getting projects added to Workfront as initiatives and moving them around, but it falls short in how it can be made more useful during project roadmap planning.
The function would need to include:
The use case that involves the scenario planner is: