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Hi all,
I'm trying to understand the difference between WF Legacy & New Experience. I'm not even sure how I tell which version I'm on!
Also, I see the terms Legacy Form builder being used. Is this related to just WF Legacy or both systems?
If there's an article to read, then I'll be happy to read that.
Thanks in advance
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Hi Matt,
Classic Workfront has been decomissioned a while ago (March or July 2022 if I found the right information in documentation).
There are some elements in WF that still look pretty "classic" but I guess it's just taking time to update all bits and pieces.
I would be curious to hear from support when exactly everything will match the "new experience".
So to answer your question explicitly, you are on New Experience.
Hi Matt,
Classic Workfront has been decomissioned a while ago (March or July 2022 if I found the right information in documentation).
There are some elements in WF that still look pretty "classic" but I guess it's just taking time to update all bits and pieces.
I would be curious to hear from support when exactly everything will match the "new experience".
So to answer your question explicitly, you are on New Experience.
Thanks Rafal,
It's odd that they still have the option in their Support ticket raising form. I suppose they haven't got around to that yet!
This is one less thing to worry about.
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I'm new to using Apps within my products and I will be using Workfront as New Experience, so finding all key documentation will be very helpful as I share with my team. Thank you for sharing this as a topic.
I've mentioned it to them several times but no one seems interested in details (deleting the "Classic" choice). Same as the final question "Customer Region", they already know the region their customers are in. Why I gotta choose it? And what changes if I choose a different region?