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Workfront Assignment Recommendations



Hi everyone,

One of the research activities in an overall effort to improve user experience in the application is to make the Workfront system smarter in what users it suggests when making assignments. Like what you see in the screenshot below.

0694X00000C0oHEQAZ.pngWith that, we wanted to understand the importance of certain factors to the assignment decision and conduct a really short survey to get your feedback on those points.

Survey: Link

Please feel free to share it with people in your organization who are making assignments very frequently, they will be the most affected by this change and we want to make it a great positive experience!


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1 Reply


Community Advisor

This is such a cool area Vazgen, and I'm encouraged to hear you're heading this direction.

To draw a parallel, as part of our JITR suite, our Assign Resources solution considers several key aspects as it automatically assigns resources within Workfront:

  • What is the priority of the project (relative to others that also need staffing), so that higher priority projects are staffed first
  • Which user(s) are set up with the proper role (think "skill") to work on a particular task that is "waiting" (with such a role on it) for a user to be assigned
  • Of those user(s) who could perform the task, whom among them still "have room" within their own schedule (including PTO, and considering other tasks that may also have been automatically assigned seconds during this same run) to perform the work assigned to the task in time to still "hit" the task's planned completion date
  • Optionally, among those who could perform the task and do have enough room...whom among them (if any) have previously worked on this project performing that role, since -- if they have -- it is usually more efficient to "bring them back", then "teach someone new"
  • Optionally (and advanced), if there is no such user available and the Project Manager has indicated that (if need be) a particular task is allowed to "slip", our solution will then automatically delay the start of the task (using lags) until it finds a "window" where there IS such a user with room...noting that subsequent tasks will then also "slip" accordingly, subject to task dependencies

If you or anyone else wants to nerd out about JITR (or such algorithms in general), I'm always game via doug.denhoed@atappstore.com

