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Work Managers Needed for Workfront Study


Level 4
Hello! I'm Elissa, a UX Researcher at Workfront, and I am recruiting work managers to participate in a study on a new Strategic Goal Management tool. Sessions are 1/2 hour and we're hoping to run sessions August 12-14th. "https://calendly.com/arnoldporras/times-for-user-testing?month=2019-08&date=2019-08-14" **UPDATE: We've had 5 people sign up, so I've taken down the link. I posted another study on filtering if you're interested in participating in other research.** Elissa Lauber Workfront
5 Replies


Level 10
Hi - so sorry. What do you mean by Work Managers? Are you looking for resource managers, department leads, people who have direct reports that have a work license? Definitely want to get you people. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 4
Hi Anthony, I think the designer wants resource managers, because I assume that's who would benefit from using a strategic goal management tool. I tried messaging the designer to confirm, but he's in an all-day design sprint. If you know of anyone, please share the link or I can email the person directly! Elissa Elissa Lauber Workfront


Level 10
Hi @Elissa Lauber - I'm not sure if they would really want resource managers for a "strategic goal management tool". This sounds more like a PPM / Enterprise PMO function that would be used by senior PMO Managers and Executives. Perhaps you can clarify this with your stakeholder first and we can look at who can attend to provide feedback. David Cornwell


Level 4
Hi David, I'm still waiting on the designer to respond, but I will update you here as soon as I know. Thank you for responding and being willing to provide us with people to test. Elissa Elissa Lauber Workfront


Level 4
Hi Everyone, The designer got back to me and said we're looking for any type of employee. The product manager is the one who told me work managers. Anyway, we're looking for executives, work managers, and workers . So, anyone who is setting goals is welcome to participate. Sorry for the confusion! Elissa Elissa Lauber Workfront