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When/How do new users automatically start using the New Workfront Experience when they first sign up? Currently we are transitioning over all current users, but new users we have to manually change over.


Level 3

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5 Replies



You can put in a support ticket and they can change over the default for you!


Community Advisor

You can put in a support ticket to have that changed for new users, BUT if you have anyone still using Classic they will also be switched to the New Experience. So you'll want to wait to submit that ticket until after you have all current users switched.


Level 8

Pull the plug!!! It's totally worth it. We moved all out most active users over carefully and then called IT to have Classic disabled like Sarah and Heather are saying. Then I sent out a mass email/training info for the NWE to everyone who we didn't train.

They were totally fine.


Level 10

As soon as I get a solution to the Update Feed in classic! We still have folks that don't want to give it up. And I agree.