Hi Tim, Adding to what Doug and Melinda have said, it's also worth mentioning there are subtle differences between syntax on custom fields (the ones you set up on a custom form) vs calculated fields in reports. If I'm interpreting correctly, I think you are working on a calculated field in a report? If so, I believe the below is what you are trying to achieve (I changed "actual" to "planned" on the completion date, based on your column name, but you can switch it to "actualCompletionDate" if I misunderstood. I also threw in something to round it to one decimal point). displayname=# Days Pending textmode=true valueexpression=ROUND(DATEDIFF({plannedCompletionDate},$$TODAY),1) valueformat=HTML To get you started with text mode reporting, Workfront's Advanced Reporting classes are a great resource. You can also find a number of examples by searching the forum, or by reviewing the "Understanding Text Mode" topics on the help site (https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/categories/202563507-Reports). Once you really get underway with text mode reporting, you'll find the API Explorer is a must (https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/220633507-API-Explorer). This shows you the various fields for the different types of reporting objects (project, task, etc.), as well as the way Workfront needs to see them on the "valueexpression" line in text mode. Capitalization must be exactly the way it wants to see it on the field names, or it won't work. Good luck, and feel free to ask questions. We've all started where you are now. Kathy