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Updating Expenses Actual Amount


Level 10
We use to bill our expenses to the customer in the end of projects. We've got one project at the moment in which we bill expenses every month. While start doing it, we've come to some issue - once the expenses is billed on last month billing record, we're not able to update Actual Amount on it.. And we've got Expenses which need updating across project life. is there a way around it to do it? Our only options at the moment is to add another exactly the same expense but with Budget=0 as we don't want to double budget of the same expense. But if we do it, it'll be be shown as additional amount on our billing records then.. Has anyone come to this issue already ? Thanks, Dags
5 Replies


Level 10
There is a billing flag that gets flipped that locks the record. I don’t know if it is a status or how they do that. I think the billing record creates the lock. What we considered doing is creating a line items for each monthly billing. For example: 1) We want to bill $50K over five months; 2) We create five expenses, each at $10K; 3) When we bill it, we update the actual, and the billing record locks the expense; We also thought about creating one record with the full amount, and then creating additional expenses each month with zero budget and the amount actually billed. That wasn’t as well received. Probably not much help… Thanks!


Level 10
Thanks Eric. i suppose that is some option. The trouble is, that it's not known exactly if we're gonna add the same expenses in every month. The will be same through the project, but it's difficult to e.g. share 20k over 4 month or over 5 as it might be just 2 months..


Level 10
Hi: Oh gosh. Okay, here is an idea (remember I’m the King of Brute Forcing inelegant solutions): 1) Create a single line item for the total amount that you expect to bill ($50K); 2) Each month, create an expense with the forecast amount and actual amount equal to what you will bill; 3) Decrement that original budgeting line item by the amount billed each month; 4) That way, you can bill a variable amount each month and still keep track of what is forecast and what is billed; Does that help at all? Thanks, Eric


Level 10
Sounds like an options Eric, just it's a shame we have to thing about work around it to make it work properly in that case.. Maybe there is some change to get multiply bills for single expenses? I might open a ticket tomorrow with WF Support about it.