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Tying a request/issue to a program?


Level 1
Hello, I am new to Workfront and appreciate this community support discussion board! In my search, I have not been able to tell if I can tie a request/issue to a program. It does not seem it is possible but does anyone know if this can happen? Many times, the request is a simple fix that it does not make sense to convert it to a task or project. However, we would like the work to be reflected at the Program level though. Thanks in advance! Karen Karen Yorn Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
8 Replies


Level 10
Hi Karen, There's no direct relationship from Issue to Program (in general, it's Portfolio > Program > Project > Task > Issue), but since Issues can go directly on a Project, one alternative is to create an "Admin" Project (e.g. with "Program Name: Admin" as its name) under the Program as a placeholder for such broader Issues. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
Hi Karen, It depends on what you mean by "would like the work to be reflected at the Program level". Do you want them to show up on a Report or a View? If so, under the Issue Report or view, you could filter or group by Project Program ID. Let me know if that's what you're looking for.


Level 1
Thanks Doug! We were trying to avoid converting a simple issue to a project just so it could be associated with a program. The Admin project is good advice, thank you! Karen Karen Yorn Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.


Level 8

I am not sure how you have your request queues set up, but technically you could tie that request queue/queue project back to a portfolio and program. When the request is created it is attached to that parent queue project as an issue. Therefore, that issue is tied to the program that the queue project is associated with. Then, to Vic's point, you could filter your view or report to show the issues that are tied to that particular program. This would require your queue projects, topic groups and queue topics to be unique to each program. This approach does not work for us as we have way too many programs to build a queue project for each one, but it may work for you if you only have a few programs. I have attached an example of what this would look like. I hope this helps! Brandon Pritchard System Administrator iNHouse Marketing - Nationwide pritcb1@nationwide.com0690z000007ZhiXAAS.png


Level 3
I've been trying to pull a report for a program owner who wants a list of Issues created in the projects associated with her programs. I ended up creating a calculated field on a project custom form to surface the name of the Program owner at the project level. I could then use that for a filter on an issue report. There are probably other ways to accomplish this, but this worked for me this morning. I tried to get from the issue to the program to use the program owner in a filter, but I could not figure it out, The calculation I put on the custom field is: Program.Owner.Name. Holly Harvey Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Publishing Services


Level 10
Hi Holly, If you're form is working, no need to change it. But for future use if you don't want to attach a form or keep adding the custom calc to other forms, the field called Project > Program Manager should get you what you want.


Level 3
For some reason that one wasn't working for me. I'll take a look again. Thanks! Holly Harvey Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Publishing Services


Level 2

Holly, were you able to come up with a different approach? I too would like to create a report of all top priority issues for a Program Manager over multiple projects with different Project Owner but within the same Portfolio.