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Time it take to complete a project


Level 5
Hi All I searched the forum- and couldn't find the answer. I'm trying to run a project report that will show me how many days it took to complete the project- from actual start to actual complete? How would I go about doing that? and if I wanted to get more specific- could I calculate from a specific task (like- Kick-off meeting) to last task in project schedule? tks Karen

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7 Replies


Level 10
Hi: There is an attribute on the Project object called “Actual Duration”. I believe this is the number of days between the actual start date and the actual completion date. Oh, wait. I dumped all my closed project actual start date and actual completion date for all closed projects to Excel. I calculate the difference between those dates and compared it to Actual Duration. They aren’t even close. The “Actual Duration” is 56% to 68% of the calculated difference. It makes me wonder if the Actual Duration is the business/working days between the actual start and completion date. I calculated the NETWORKDAYS between actual start and actual completion, and the variance between this difference and the WorkFront calculated “Actual Completion Date”. I checked WorkFront help, no help sadly. Sorry this is no help, but we know more about what DOESN’T work. Thanks, Eric


Level 10
Argh. Darn horrible grammar of English is no more better. I calculated the NETWORKDAYS between the actual start date and the actual completion date and compared that to the Actual Duration. The variance was wider than the number of calendar days versus actual duration. I can’t figure out for the life of me how they calculated Actual Duration. Sorry about the more bad grammar ☺ Eric


Level 2
I've run an identical report, so hopefully this snippet will help you! You just have to add this custom column in the report's View to show the difference between actual start and actual completion. Let me know whether or not this works for you!


Level 10
Does anyone know how Actual Duration is calculated? Eric


Level 7
Just fyi - for me, when I run a project report with the Actual Duration and the text column that Ben has given, I get the exact numbers - 100% of the time. These are projects that run from 2.46 Days, to 515.92 days. This is for 191 Projects.


Level 2
Greg is correct, my custom column is actually just a more complicated version of the "Actual Duration" column that Workfront must have added in! I created that Text Mode column quite a while ago, so maybe it was added in since then? Anyway, both of the options calculate working days, not actual calendar days.


Level 10
I do this now. I dump my project into an excel spreadsheet. Then what ever two tasks I've identified, I use NETWORKDAYS and calculate the timeframe between them to determine the duration. Benetta Perry APS