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Text Mode Filter for Projects w/out Custom Field


Level 3

Hi, all!

Would anyone be able to assist me with creating a text mode filter showing projects missing a certain custom field called 'Account Manager' (or if it's easier, projects missing a custom form with a name containing the word 'Intake')? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


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4 Replies


Level 5


Level 10
What type of field is Account Manager? If it is just a single line of text, you should be able to do a filter that says Account Manager is blank. If it is a drop down box, let me know. I have some text mode I got at least Leap I can dig out for you to get that one. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 3
Hi, Miranda. Thank you for your response! This isn't quite what I was looking for but I think this thread may prove useful in the future. Thanks again! Sean Lewis


Level 3
Hi, Anthony. Thanks for your response! It's a Typeahead field. I'm wondering if I need to use the NOTEXISTS function in a text mode filter but I'm still a bit of newbie in WF and am not quite certain how to do that. If you wouldn't mind sharing the text mode notes you have, I would really appreciate it. Thanks! Sean Lewis