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Template: Name Not Updating in Project Details


Level 1
Template: Name Not Updating in Project Detail When I remove an existing template from a project and then add a different template Template under Project Details does not update to reflect these changes. Is there a correct way to change templates so that these changes are relected? Thanks.

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6 Replies


Level 10
I would recreate the project from the new template. These details and tasks are only copied from the template when first created. After you have established the project, attaching additional templates will only bring in the task list and documents.


Level 1
I have probably 50 projects that I created a new template for and when through to remove the old and attach the new, recreating that many projects is a little time consuming. I guess I'll just leave them as is. Thanks.


Level 10
Hi: Help me understand something. If I create a project, and go to Project Actions, and then Attach Template, it applies the new template. I do that all the time to add a particular file folder structure to existing projects. There is no limit to the number of times you can attach a template to a project. If you created a project with template A, and then modified template A and want to update all of the projects to the new Template A, you’ll have to get a product from www.AtAppStore.com< ">http://www.AtAppStore.com> It’s called Sync Template http://store.atappstore.com/product/sync-template/ Am I misunderstanding what you want to do with templates? I wouldn’t want to recreate projects, either. Ugh! Thanks, Eric


Level 1
Hi Eric, You are mostly there. 1) Create project 1 with template A. 2) I create a new template (template B) for a new type of project we are working on. 3) I go to project 1, remove tempate A and attach template B.


Level 8
This is a bug that we submitted probably 2 years ago (I don't see it any longer on my list). You are right, the project retains only the original template name, not any other ones you attach.


Level 10
< Was the bug that the name of the template (found at the bottom of Project Details) does not change when you attach a new template?