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Team sharing settings


Level 2
Does anyone have experience with configuring team visibility / sharing settings? I am having a problem where a user needs to be able to assign a request to a team but the team doesn't appear when I log in as the user and type the team name in. As an admin, I can see and assign the team. Appreicate your help! Peter Mitchell Prudential Financial -Business Performance Solutions
6 Replies


Level 10
Could it be an access level problem? Does that users access level have access to teams? Is this person in the same company as the team is? Michael Lebowitz GuideWell Connect


Level 2
It's definitely an access issue. When I give the outside team contribute access to the request, then anyone with manage rights can assign that team. So I am now trying to figure out how to give the outside team contribute access to requests that are submitted to this queue (not assign them just give them sharing access). It seems like its just following the routing rule for the queue though. Does anyone have any advice on this? bottom image- Routing rule that assigns to the queue management team (LDKM - Demand Team) top image - Sharing settings for requests that come in, I want try to add another team here without assigning them, is that possible? Peter Mitchell Prudential Financial -Business Performance Solutions


Level 7
Hi Peter, The access level assigned to your user likely has a box checked at the bottom to only allow the user to view companies, teams, and groups they belong to. This will prevent them from assigning any team. (Good and bad, depending on your use case.) If you need that user (and/or others) to be able to assign teams or groups they don't belong to, you'll want to remove that check mark. Picture for reference: Thanks! Dustin Martin Tier 2 Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 2
Thank you Dustin! I will take a look at those settings. We did figure out how to add a routing rule that gives the other team manage permissions. So that fixes our issue. My other question is there any way to assign 2 teams to a request? Seems like you can only assign 1 at a time. Peter Mitchell Prudential Financial -Business Performance Solutions


Level 7
Hi Peter, I hope you got the original issue figured out, and definitely smart thinking on using a routing rule. Workfront operates on the assumption that a team will own a request, or a task, so we only allow you to assign a single team. If you assign a user as well, that user is assumed to be the owner instead, and the task or issue does not show up as work to be performed by the team any longer. I'll give an example from a few years ago, when we used Workfront as our support ticketing system (we needed to pull more granular info than we have built into WF and switched.) When you have a request come in from a customer, it's assigned to a support tier 1 team. That team gets a notification, and the first person available opens the request and clicks Work On it. Other members of the team can still see the request and work on it if they want, but it will not appear under team requests, as someone has taken ownership of that request. I hope this helps! Thanks, Dustin Martin Tier 2 Assigned Support Engineer Workfront