I'm trying to assist someone (the task owner) with a Task that won't let anyone mark it as Complete - the Task has 5 subtasks, all of which, as far as I can tell, are complete, so in theory, the parent task should be marked complete as well, right?
I'm not as familiar with tasks as I am with projects - I know with projects there are a few avenues I can go down for troubleshooting and I tried to do all of those with the task...outstanding approvals, etc. I even attended a class about this at LEAP 2016, ha ha!
What I finally ended up doing was making the subtasks "stand-alone" tasks...revoking their "child" status. I then marked what was formerly the "parent" task complete...and then I made the subtasks "children" again and everything stayed 100%.
Seems like I am missing something really obvious here!