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Task Won't Mark Itself as Complete (SubTasks)


Level 3
I'm trying to assist someone (the task owner) with a Task that won't let anyone mark it as Complete - the Task has 5 subtasks, all of which, as far as I can tell, are complete, so in theory, the parent task should be marked complete as well, right? I'm not as familiar with tasks as I am with projects - I know with projects there are a few avenues I can go down for troubleshooting and I tried to do all of those with the task...outstanding approvals, etc. I even attended a class about this at LEAP 2016, ha ha! What I finally ended up doing was making the subtasks "stand-alone" tasks...revoking their "child" status. I then marked what was formerly the "parent" task complete...and then I made the subtasks "children" again and everything stayed 100%. Seems like I am missing something really obvious here!

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6 Replies


Level 10
Hi - Here are a few things I do, as this has happened to us before. If all of the children are 100% complete, and marked as Complete, but the parent won’t automatically close, look at these things: 1) Edit the project and look for the Update Type. Be sure it is Automatic and On Change. I have an error report that shows me all projects where Update Type isn’t set to this - and I can fix it through the report [cid:image001.jpg@01D1B0DE.8DFCAC70] 2) I think sometimes WorkFront intends to, but doesn’t recalculate the timeline. I find myself incessantly selecting Project Actions, and then Recalculate Timeline. That forces a recalculation of the whole project plan. [cid:image002.jpg@01D1B0DE.8DFCAC70] That is all I’ve had to do to make parent tasks rollup the status. Let me know if that didn’t help. Thanks, Eric


Level 3
Thank you for taking the time to reply! Unfortunately this is not a Project, this is a Task, so neither of the items below are available for me to troubleshoot on a Task level. This is a real head-scratcher, ha ha.


Level 10
Hi: I assumed you were speaking about a task within a project. My comments were aimed at getting a parent task within a project to show that all of its children have been completed. Give it a try, what can it hurt? ‚ò∫


Level 3
Refreshing the (MASSIVE) project it was part of seemed to have worked! Thank you!


Level 10
Whew! Good to hear.


Level 1

This worked for me too! thanks