We would like to create simple hours reports at each of three different levels (Portfolio, Program, and Project) that simply show total hours in one line item per user (does not expand to show each individual task). Currently when these reports are created, there is a summary but there are also lines for each specific task per user so when the report is scheduled to be sent, the Excel file has way more data than is necessary and manual clean up is required. Has anyone created something similar?
Jane Doe 200 hours
John Doe 150 hours
Jane Doe 50 hours
John Doe 75 hours
Jim Doe 100 hours
Jane Doe 200 hours
John Doe 150 hours
Jane Doe 50 hours
John Doe 75 hours
Jim Doe 100 hours
Jane Doe 100 hours
John Doe 150 hours
Jane Doe 50 hours
John Doe 75 hours
Jim Doe 100 hours
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I'm looking at the report delivery overview (Formatting section) here:
The first line says "You always receive the default tab of a report when a report is sent or scheduled for a delivery, unless the report has a special view."
On the report settings page:
it says: "When the Report loads, show the:
Select the default tab that is displayed for all users when the report loads."
Both these together seem to indicate that if you have Summary selected as the default tab, then it should be mailing you the contents of the Summary tab. You could submit a case with Adobe's Support if you're authorized to do so, and ask them to investigate further.
As a workaround, you might consider using a matrix report. Just make sure your hours report is very simple and only contains the columns you want to show up in the matrix report, otherwise it will drag in the extra cost information, etc.
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This is incredibly helpful and exciting! Thank you so much.
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