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Report Dashboard on Planned hours


Level 1
Hi All, need your help for a report that's driving me crazy. I have a team of selected users and I need to create a dashboard to show in the next 30 days how busy they are considering the planned hours on them all. I share the report details in a document. I don't know why the filtering is not working properly and what I see is an amount of hours that's not aligned with the resourse planning figure (which is correct) that I find in the People mgmt section... Any suggestion? Hope I've been clear. Thanks in advance! Alice Alice Gregnanin GSK
10 Replies


Level 10
it's difficult to say without seeing the actual report results. The only thing I can think of is to ask if the users are sharing tasks. If several users share a task, the "assigned to" filter would only catch the task owner's name. So the others would not be captured and the total number of hours would be fewer in the report compared to resource planner. -skye


Level 1

Hi Skye! The tasks are shared by more than one user for the most part so your suggestion is absolutely meaningful. Pls find attached the final resutl. The issue is I can see more hours respect the filtered ones. Thanks again Alice Gregnanin GSK0690z000007ZhaxAAC.png


Level 10
I see. I don't have an answer but I'm going to try and describe the problem to clarify what you're doing. The Resource Planner is showing any task that your people are on. In addition if there are planned hours on a task assigned to multiple people, the planned hours are divided among the people. Your report is only showing tasks where your people are the task owner. In addition you are pulling up total planned hours for the task: not the portion of the planned hours per person. As a result you may find that you have fewer tasks or that the hours are too many. Is this what you see happening? As you can see, I feel that there may be two issues to solve. -skye


Level 10
@Alice Gregnanin -- I can only suggest a few things. 1) You're using an Hours report right now to show the information: I would suggest that you instead use a Task report. I understand that Hour reports are more commonly used to indicate logged hours. But you are looking to predict work that is coming in the next 30 days. 2) In a Task report, use "Assignment Users >> ID" = Barbara, Chiara, Giulia and Ian, instead of Assigned To. This way a task will pull up even if that task is shared with multiple users. I never really understood how planned hours are allocated amongst multiple assignees in the resource planner, so I don't think I'd be able to replicate that in a report. Hopefully someone else here would be able to help. -skye


Level 10
@Alice Gregnanin -- I think we've found an answer for you in a different post. From what David Cornwell said, and as I play in the system this morning, if your instance has a practice of assigning multiple users to one task, the best way to show this is through using an Assignment report. This will allow you to group by user when you use Assigned To Name as the grouping. "Assigned To Name" in an Assignment report is NOT the same as "Assigned To Name" in a Task or Issue report. Assignment report will also divide up the Planned Hours per assigned user, whereas a task or issue report will not. With the Assignment report, you will want to add the same filters as what you specified in your original post. The only difference was instead of Task Assigned To, you can just pick Assigned To. Let me know if this solves the problem you've been seeing. -skye


Level 4
Hi @Skye Hansen , I was also looking for a way to report on Planned Hours, this was really helpful. The only issue I had with the Assignment Report is that if the user isn't a "task owner" then it doesn't pull in the planned hours. This usually happens when we have multiple people assigned to a task. I know in other reports you can use Assignment User and it pulls in all assignments assigned to a user. Is there a way to do text mode to change the object to Assignment User instead of Assigned To? Or will that not work with this type of report? Thanks for any insight you have on this issue, Jessie Dantin Mercy Health


Level 10
hi @Jessie Dantin , as far as I know, the Assignment report's "Assigned To" field is exactly the same as the Task Report's "Assignment User" field, and the planned hours reported on that line are "total planned hours divided by number of people". Are you finding differently? -skye


Level 4
Hi @Skye Hansen , That makes since if it is dividing the hours on tasks that have multiple users assigned because some of the users hours matched the Resource Planning and some were just off by a few hours. Thank you! Jessie Dantin Mercy Health


Level 10
Hi Alice - sorry for being late to the game. I think you are going to find this difficult because reports only look at planned hours for the a specific date field (i.e. Planned Completion Date) and not a duration. That means if I'm assigned 80 hours on a task that is 40 days, you won't see 60 hours in your report. You will just see 80 hours appears once you get within 30 days of the end of that task. There was a Resource Estimate object type from the Legacy Resource Planner that at least broke out hours by week so I can say 40 hours for the first week and 40 hours for the second week. So that kind of helped, but that was only the job role level and not individual people. But with the legacy items going away, I don't know how helpful that would be. I think you will need to rely on the Resource Planner to help you out with your needs. Something that our RMs are liking is that they can use the Bar Charts on the planner to see if a team or skill set is going to be overallocated and they need a freelancer (like the Week of Mar 17th in my example below). It is also great that I can setup the filters for the RMs and then just stick this on a Dashboard somewhere so they don't have to worry about "learning" the planner and getting frustrated. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 1
Thank you SKye! looks like the "assignment" was the real issue, so just picking "Assigned To" looks now correct! thank you all for the support Alice Gregnanin GSK