Hi Angie, Here's how I have our Marketing Flyer Proofing setup which you may (or may not) find helpful. Our flyers have 3 rigid proof cycles. Each cycle has it's own workflow. Those workflows define the default deadline, send time, and stages. We do not use the workflows for people (no recipients in the workflows at all). When our production artists create a proof, they choose the appropriate workflow, then add groups of people (which vary depending on the product categories on their flyer page) - groups are added the same way as individuals/emails. So we have a FLYER First Proof - COMPUTERS group, that has all the managers and assistants for our computer products. After the production artist adds the applicable group(s), they then sometimes remove individuals (when you add a group, it just puts all those users into the recipients list as if you'd added them one by one). They also sometimes add more individuals. Each group has its own default settings per user (role & email notifications). Some users are in multiple groups, with different roles and notifications for each group. For example, on the first proof groups, our Merchandise Managers are approvers , and our Category Specialists and Assistants are reviewers . On the Final Proof groups, the Assistants are approvers and the Managers are reviewers . You may want to try making two workflows (that contain the specific stages and deadlines for the copy, and the artwork). Then create groups of people so whomever creates the proof can just type in the appropriate group(s) names and not have to remember who should be what role. Those groups can either be added to the workflow, or like us added every time you make a proof (leave the workflow recipient list blank). Does that make sense? Sean