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Proof comments process


Level 10
Hi I just found out that the process we set up to use the flags and actions on proof comments is not working. When a comment is resolved, the action button is frozen, and you have to unresolve in order to choose an action. I can't understand the logic of this, because in a normal workflow, you need to resolve the comment before it can be "done" which to me means the changes have been made by the designer. (I would like to point out that our onboarding person was the one who helped me setup this process.) In any case, I now have to retrain everybody to do the opposite. When a comment has discussion and needs approval (ie it is resolved) they will have to use the actions to say that the comment stream is approved (which are customizable so that part is good) and then when the designer has made the change for the next version, they will have to check the flag that it is resolved (not customizable so it's not intuitive -- they are not resolving anything). Using the flags and actions have been very helpful, especially for designers who have a history of missing comments and sending a new version with lots of changes not made, frustrating everyone and adding rounds to an already horribly burdensome thing. It's also helpful when there are late approvers who swoop in at the last second and make comments that get overlooked. And, just for context, I work in an environment with a pretty small (and talented beyond the beyond) in-house group who produce 1-2 print catalogs from 32-136 pages per week, each with 4-5 approvers who may be located anywhere in the world in any time zone often without internet at any given time, plus usually 3-4 emails with landing pages, plus a couple of random ads and flyers, relying heavily on Proof to go smoothly to meet tight deadlines. Wondering how other people manage this process, which is mostly relevant when there are hundreds of comments, and the flags/actions are important so that comments are not overlooked, and you can filter on comments that are not flagged or actioned. Thanks Jill Ackerman
2 Replies


Level 10
Ah, we set up our Actions as "To-Do" and "Stet". If its marked as "To Do", the change needs to be made. Then once the change is made, that person will "Resolve" it and no further action is required. Perhaps you can add an Action "Approved to Change", and then use Resolved as 'done'. Unfortunately that will require re-training :( Katherine Haven, PMP VP, Director, Business Technologies - PMO FCB


Level 10
Thanks! That's exactly where we're headed. We will retrain, or maybe train -- the way each designer and manager handles their proofs are unique as snowflakes so maybe it's a good chance to get everyone aligned.